My risk…

Daily writing promptWhen is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out?View all responses My paternal grandmother and I have never really gotten along. To me, she's a very controlling person and just unpleasant to be around. Well, as a teenager, I've always struggled with controlling my negative emotions. Sometimes, I'd... Continue Reading →

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Why I’m greatful for this blog…

Daily writing promptDescribe a risk you took that you do not regret.View all responses Starting a blog, to be honest. It's still a risky decision to even be continuing blogging. However, it is very rewarding to be able to write down my thoughts on a computer screen and share it with others. Consistency has been... Continue Reading →

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What I’m Curious About…

Daily writing promptWhat are you curious about?View all responses I always get curious about the way older generations view younger ones. I recently had a disagreement with a close family member, and a common remark to many things I do is "Wow, you and the kids in your generation..." And it always amuses me because,... Continue Reading →

My Productive Music

Daily writing promptWhat do you listen to while you work?View all responses I usually listen to Lofi music while I'm doing homework or reading. It increases my productivity since it's essentially just calming tunes with an image of a teenager studying, which also helps. I would highly recommend the channel!

Can we talk about these celebrities?…

Daily writing promptWhat public figure do you disagree with the most?View all responses I would say the most controversial ones I've seen have been popular female rappers, mainly Cardi B and Lizzo are what first come to mind. I understand that some women want to send a message proclaiming that they're indepdendent and aren't heavily... Continue Reading →

Favorite Holiday…

Daily writing promptWhat is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?View all responses Personally, I've always enjoyed Christmas the most. Despite that being the most popular answer, I loved the spirit it always brought me as a little kid. Not so much anymore, but still joyous. I would wake up early, slightly disappointed that... Continue Reading →

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